Pragmatic and Socially Equitable SLD Eligibility
in a virtual workshop (ZOOM)
September 24, 2021 from 11:00AM to 2:00PM (3 CPDs)
Summary: In this training, participants will review the inclusionary and exclusionary components of identifying specific learning disabilities, receive guidance on the use of cognitive testing in SLD evaluations, and address the barriers to using research-validated methods.
Session Objectives:
1) Participants will learn the inclusionary and exclusionary components for SLD identification in IDEA 2004.
2) Participants will learn about the limitations in ability achievement discrepancy models.
3) Participants will learn how to address barriers in collecting and using data for effective interventions.
4) Participants will learn options to transition to use of RTI as two of the inclusionary components and strategies to improve other eligibility requirements.
Presenter information:
Dr. Shinn is a Professor of School Psychology at National-Louis University and a nationally recognized consultant to schools across the country, including state departments of education, on implementation of a problem-solving model including RtI. He is the recipient of the APA Division 16 2003 Jack Bardon Distinguished Service Award and is a member of the national Technical Review Panel for the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Progress Monitoring National Technical Assistance Center. Mark has edited two books on curriculum-based measurement and published more than 100 journal articles and book chapters on the topic. He also co-edited three editions of Interventions for Academic and Behavior Problems: Preventive and Remedial Approaches, published by NASP.
Cost: Free for AASP members / $20.00 for non-AASP members
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